The Government certifies Tarlogic as an authorized entity to evaluate gambling operators

The General Directorate of Gambling Regulation has published the list of organizations that will certify the security of gambling information systems. Tarlogic is among them
There are areas in society that require the most robust protection measures. Internet, gambling, and money are among them. That is why the work of entities that certify the security of gambling operators’ information systems is crucial. And recently, Tarlogic has been certified to carry out this task.
The Directorate General of Gambling (DGOJ), a body belonging to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, is responsible for ensuring that all gambling operators comply with the legal requirements in terms of cybersecurity. To do so, it needs the help of independent certifying entities.
These firms have extensive expertise and the ability to assess operators’ platforms, gambling software, and information systems security. Tarlogic Security has been one of the companies entrusted with this task.
A task that will consist, basically, of the realization of an exhaustive audit. At the end of the audit, Tarlogic’s teams will issue a report assessing the capabilities of the operator in question.
This document will reflect the weaknesses and vulnerabilities found during the analysis. This is very valuable information for gambling operators. Thus, the audit is called to work as a guide that will guide the decision-making process to reinforce its cybersecurity measures.
The gambling operator must send this report to the DGOJ who, given the results, may approve the information system of the operator in question. After this procedure, the gambling company will finally obtain permission from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs to operate.
An in-depth audit
The expert auditing organizations are appointed by the Directorate General for Gambling Regulation in an open procedure, in which factors such as experience and professionalism are taken into account. These firms are in charge of thoroughly analyzing all aspects related to the security of the gambling operators’ activities. In addition, they also check that they comply perfectly with the regulatory requirements to which they are subject.
During this process, they verify that equipment, systems, and instruments are correctly approved. This is vital to ensure the reliability of gambling services. And, ultimately, to protect consumers. After all, if there are manipulations in the technical systems, gambling participants could become victims of fraud.
The certifying entities cannot have any kind of relationship with the gambling companies. They must be completely independent. This is the only way to guarantee the confidentiality of their data and the security of their operations. If both companies had common interests, it could affect the impartiality of the report, which would cause direct harm to citizens.
To be designated as certification entities, firms must meet a series of requirements. These are set out in section 4 of Article 8 of Order EHA/2528/2011, of September 20. Among all the organizations that formalize their candidacy, the General Directorate of Gambling Regulation chooses those it considers most suitable. Once the selection is made, the final list is made public and can be consulted on its website.

Tarlogic, one of the selected companies
There are two types of certification authorities. On the one hand, some analyze gambling software. On the other hand, some evaluate the security of information systems. Tarlogic belongs to the latter group. However, the same company may be active in both categories.
The advanced cybersecurity services offered by Tarlogic, together with the competence of its more than one hundred professionals, the use of recognized security methodologies, and certifications such as ISO 27001, have been key to its being one of the chosen companies. The firm has an extensive track record in the market after more than ten years of delving into the world of cybersecurity.
Website security audits are precisely one of the company’s strategic services. Through these analyses, Tarlogic’s professionals can identify threats and breaches that can alter the activity of all kinds of firms, in this case, gambling operators.