The Website uses cookies for the proper functioning and display of website by the user, as well as the collection of statistics. Specifically, the following cookies are used:

Cookies Type Temporality Ownership Purpose
Google Analytics:

Analytic Permanent/
Terms of the
service: google analytics
To generate a unique user identifier, which is used to count the number of visits the user makes to the website, as well as the date and the first and last time that the user visited the site. To register the date and time of access to any of the pages of the Website. To check the need to keep the user’s session logged-in or to create a new one. Identify user’s session in order to monitor the approximate geographical location of the computer accessing the Site for statistical purposes.

  • zld{id}state
Technical Temporary External..
Terms of the
service: Zoho salesiq
This cookie stores the minimization and maximization state of an embed on the website.

Technical Temporary External..
Terms of the
service: Zoho salesiq
This cookie is used for security purposes in order to avoid Cross-Site Request Forgery, (CSRF) for the AJAX calls made by the visitor.

  • uesign
Technical Temporary External..
Terms of the
service: Zoho salesiq
This cookie is used to manage the security of the applications.
Cookies notification:

  • acceptcookies
Technical Temporary Internal
Responsible for displaying the cookie notice

Definition of cookie

Cookies are small traces of information, usually composed of numbers and letters, provide services to users who visit web pages. They are used to store information between visits to different web pages.

Are cookies necessary to browse the web?

Only those that allow a personalized and secure navigation are necessary, those that are indicated as “necessary cookies”. The rest are optional and can be configured by the user in a personalized way. If you do not make use of the personalized configuration, the cookies configuration enabled by default will be applied, which you can find out by clicking on the cookies personalization panel.

Types of cookies according to their purpose

  • Technical Cookies: They are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it.
  • Analytics Cookies: They are those that allow the person responsible for them, monitoring and analyzing the behavior of users of the websites to which they are linked.
  • Advertising Cookies: These are those that allow the most efficient possible management of the advertising spaces that the publisher has included on a web page, application or platform from which the requested service is provided, based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency at which the advertisements are shown.
  • Personalization cookies: They are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as the language, the type of browser through which the user accesses the service, the regional configuration from where the user accesses the service, etc.

Cookies Policy Consent

Tarlogic displays a notice about its Cookie Policy at the bottom of any page of the portal with each login in order to make you aware of it.
You can take the following actions in response to this information:

  • Agree. This notice will not be displayed again when accessing any page of the portal.
  • Cookies settings. You can consult the cookie policy and configure what type of cookies will be loaded or blocked.
  • Continue browsing or move along the scroll bar: in which case the cookie warning will continue to be displayed.

How to Change the Cookies Settings

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from any website including from your browser. In each browser is different, you can look in the “Help” of your browser or you can also consult the following links:

In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:

For more information on Data Protection please review our privacy policy.