cybersecurity Glossary

What is Backdoor?

As its name suggests, a backdoor is a back door to take control of a computer, almost always with illegitimate intentions, remotely and without the owner being aware of it. A variety of computer virus that allows the hostile actor to take control of an infected computer and carry out all kinds of actions: send and receive files, execute them, delete or take information…

Basically, a backdoor exploits a vulnerability to infiltrate your computer. A security flaw that often appears pre-installed in the applications operated by the user, and is sometimes even created by the developer, although not for illegal purposes.

Backdoor software can, like Trojans, lead to the creation of a botnet. A zombie network that allows crackers to have an army of infected computers with which to carry out denial-of-service attacks and hostile actions against websites, private or business systems, marketplaces, e-commerce platforms…